New Headway Pdf


4th Edition - Oxford University Press; SB: 2013 - 143p., WB: 2014 - 103p., TB: 2011 - 151p. is an online platform of free ELT and English learning resources. It was founded in 2013 with a purpose to promote English learning and teaching in Morocco and all over the world.

New Headway - Pre Intermediate Students Book-1.pdf. Jacque Rojas. Download with Google Download with Facebook or download with email. New Headway - Pre Intermediate Students Book-1.pdf. New Headway - Pre Intermediate Students Book-1.pdf. Jacque Rojas Student's Book Headway John and Liz Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS LANGUAGE. New Headway Beginner, Third edition is a foundation course for adult and young adult true beginners. It is also suitable for students who have already learned a little English, perhaps some years ago, but who don't yet feel confident enough to move on.

The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available - including new digital resources for interactive whiteboards - you've always got support where you need it.

Practise your English with interactive exercises, puzzles, and games. Try the new Test Builder. You can build a test, then print it or do it on your computer.

Headway online - можно свободно скачать всеAudio и Video для Student's Bookи Workbook, а такжеразмещены тесты, различные упражнения и пр.

New Headway. Beginner. Student's book. Liz and John Soars.

Student's book. (2013, 4th Ed, 143 p.)


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Audio CD ( 4th Ed).

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Video ( 4th Ed).

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Student's book. (2010, 3rd Ed, 143 p.)

New Headway Elementary Pdf


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New Headway. Beginner. Workbook with Key. Liz and John Soars.

Format:pdf (2014, 4th Ed, 103 p.)

Size: 31 Mb

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Audio CD ( 4th Ed).

Format: mp3 / zip

Size: 122 Mb


Format:pdf (2010, 3rd Ed, 98 p.)

Size: 18 Mb

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New Headway. Beginner. Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resources. Liz and John Soars, Amanda Maris.

In the Teacher's Book: extensive guidance on teaching the material effectively. hints and ideas for preparation and remedial work. how to deal with likely problems and common errors. a photocopiable worksheet for every unit. integrated answer keys and tapescripts.

Format:pdf (2011, 4th Ed, 151p.)

Size: 6 Mb

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Format:pdf (2010, 3rd Ed, 152p.)

Size: 32 Mb

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Teacher’s Resources.


Size: 113 Mb


Teacher's Notes. (168p.)


Size: 61 Mb

New Headway Pdf

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Student's book.
1 Hello! P6
2 Your world p12
3 All about you pl8
4 Family and friends p24
5 The way I live p32
6 Everyday p40
7 My favourites p48
8 Where I live p56
9 Times past p64
10 We had a great time! p72
11 I can do that! p80
12 Please and thank you p88
13 Here and now p96
14 It's time to go! p104

Teacher's Book with Teacher's Resources.

Introduction 4
Teaching beginners - tips and techniques 6
am/are/is, my/your • This is .. • How are you? • Good morning!
What's this in English? • Numbers 1-10 • Plurals 8
Countries • he/she/they, his/her • Where's he from?
fantastic/awful/beautiful • Numbers 11-30 15
Jobs • am/are/is • Negatives and questions • Personal information
Social expressions (1) 23
our/their • Possessive s • The family • has/have • The alphabet 32
Sports/Food/Drinks • Present Simple - l/you/we/they • a/an
Languages and nationalities • Numbers and prices 43
The time • Present Simple - he/she • always/sometimes/never
Words that go together • Days of the week 53
Question words • me/him/us/them • this/that • Adjectives • Can I..? 62
Rooms and furniture • There is/are • Prepositions • Directions 70
Saying years • was/were born • Past Simple - irregular verbs • have/do/go
When's your birthday? 80
Past Simple - regular and irregular • Questions and negatives • Sport and leisure
Going sightseeing 89
can/can't • Adverbs • Adjective + noun • Everyday problems 99
I'd like - some/any • In a restaurant • Signs all around 109
Colours and clothes • Present Continuous • Opposite verbs • What's the matter? 118
Future plans • Grammar revision • Vocabulary revision • Social expressions (2) 128
Photocopiable worksheets Units 1-14 138
New Headway Beginner, Third edition is a foundation course for adult and young adult true beginners. It is also suitable for students who have already learned a little English, perhaps some years ago, but who don't yet feel confident enough to move on. They want to go back before they move forward.
New language is introduced gradually and methodically, in measured amounts, and in a logical order. Listening material is provided across two class CDs. Vocabulary has been selected carefully to avoid overloading. There are many controlled practice activities, which aim to give beginners the confidence to proceed, but there is also some simple skills work, which incorporates manageable communicative activities appropriate for low-level students. In the Everyday English sections, we deal with social and functional language, and survival skills.
The Teacher's Resource Disc can be found inside the back cover of the Teachers Book. It contains additional printable material to support the teacher with the course. There are 14 communicative class activities, and all the testing materials - Unit tests, Stop and check tests, Progress tests, and Skills tests with audio files. It also contains the Students Book reference materials - Tapescripts, Word list, and Grammar Reference with related grammar exercises.

1 уровень (для начинающих)
14 уроков. 70-90 часов аудиторных занятий.
Словарный запас 750 слов и устойчивых выражений.
Основные темы учебника:
Вещи вокруг нас, страны и города, профессии, персональные данные, семья и друзья, еда и напитки, спорт, на вечеринке, досуг, дом, комнаты и домашний интерьер, городская жизнь, чем мы занимаемся в выходные, в ресторане, цвета, одежда, описание внешности человека, транспорт и путешествия, Интернет.
Важнейшие элементы грамматики:
Алфавит и числительные
Простейшие типы вопросов
Простое настоящее время
Отрицательная форма простого настоящего времени
Запросы и предложение услуг
Простое прошедшее время
Правильные и неправильные глаголы
Оборот There is/are
Настоящее продолженное время
Настоящее продолженное время для выражения будущего
Разные типы глаголов
Краткая форма ответа
Ключевые навыки для освоения:
Правила чтения и произношения
Базовые коммуникативные навыки: уметь здороваться, представляться, извиняться, прощаться, благодарить и т.д.
Уметь рассказать базовую информацию о себе и о других, разбираться в заполнении различных форм с персональными данными;
Уметь ориентироваться в незнакомом городе, спрашивать, как пройти или добраться до искомого места (и прочий базовый туристический словарь)
Уметь объясниться в кафе, в магазине, в газетном киоске, на рынке, на улице
Уметь попросить помощи или совета в затруднительной ситуации
Приобрести первые навыки слушать и понимать разговорную английскую речь в виде коротких диалогов и небольших информационных блоков

New Headway Pdf Beginner

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