Microsoft Trackball Explorer 1.0


Scan performed on 4/26/2017, Computer: ASUS ET2400IGTS-H61 - Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:11/18

Power off your Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB) device. Disconnect the device from your computer. Reconnect the device and power it on. Double click the driver download to extract it. If a language option is given, select your language. Follow the directions on. Dec 02, 2014  Unlike the mechanical-trackball 'mice of yore' that skip, stick, and need to be cleaned, the Microsoft D68-00007 TrackBall Explorer introduces an entirely new trackball featuring optical sensor technology. Reading through dirt, dust, and fingerprints, the optical sensor tracks the movement of the ball 1,500 times per second, giving you smooth. Jun 19, 2017  There are a couple of solutions. One is to find an installation for the old Microsoft Intellipoint software; v8.20.468.0 is what I use. There is also a Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center, however v2.1.177 is the last version to support the Trackball Explorer.

Device/DriverStatusStatus DescriptionUpdated By Scanner
Microsoft Printer Port Logical InterfaceCorrupted By Microsoft Trackball Explorer Usb
Mice And Touchpads
Logicool HID-compliant mouseUp To Date and Functioning
Usb Devices
Hewlett-Packard Officejet J4500 (DOT4USB)Outdated
Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920Outdated
Sound Cards And Media Devices
AnalogDevices SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD AudioCorrupted By Microsoft Trackball Explorer Usb
NVIDIA MPU-401 Compatible MIDI DeviceCorrupted By Microsoft Trackball Explorer Usb
Network Cards
Qualcomm Atheros Qualcomm Atheros Osprey Wireless Network AdapterOutdated
Microsoft Keyboard Device FilterOutdated
Hard Disk Controller
Intel Standaard Dual Channel PCI IDE ControllerUp To Date and Functioning
Intel Port racine express PCI Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM PCI - 2660Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard psc 1200 (DOT4)Corrupted By Microsoft Trackball Explorer Usb
NEC Texas Instruments PCIxx12 Cardbus ControllerUp To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Brother Brother DCP-115C USBOutdated
Video Cards
Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.0)Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Logitech USB Human Interface DeviceUp To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
Prolific Prolific USB-to-Serial Bridge (COM6)Corrupted By Microsoft Trackball Explorer Usb
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024x768)Outdated
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIAUp To Date and Functioning

Download the latest Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB) driver for your computer's operating system. All downloads available on this website have been scanned by the latest anti-virus software and are guaranteed to be virus and malware-free.

Find All Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB) Drivers

Browse the list below to find the driver that meets your needs. To see more matches, use our custom search engine to find the exact driver.

Tech Tip: If you are having trouble deciding which is the right driver, try the Driver Update Utility for Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB). It is a software utility that will find the right driver for you - automatically.

DriverGuide maintains an extensive archive of Windows drivers available for free download. We employ a team from around the world. They add hundreds of new drivers to our site every day.

Having trouble finding the right driver? Try the Automatic Driver Update Utility, or you can request a driver and we will find it for you.


Popular Driver Updates for Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB)

Microsoft Explorer Trackball Mouse

Microsoft Trackball Explorer (USB) Driver Update Utility

Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP
File Version: Version 3.8.0
File Size: 269 KB
File Name:

Overall Rating:

Optic_explorer.exe Driver


Device Type: Other Devices
Supported OS: Win 98, Win 95
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-01-01
File Size: 4.3 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (7 ratings, 7 reviews)


Submitted Dec 4, 2003 by GH (DG Member):
'New Microsoft Explorer Optical Mouse drivers. Just click the self extracting exe to a folder you will rember. Then add you mouse with those drivers'

Comfort Optical Mouse 3000 Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win Vista, Win Vista x64, Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0
File Version: Version 5.3
Release Date: 2005-03-15
File Size: 18.0 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (38 ratings, 40 reviews)


Submitted Apr 28, 2006 by Davide (DG Member):
'this is the installation CD'

52195 Driver


Device Type: Other Devices
Supported OS: Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0, Win NT 3.51, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, Win 95, Win 3.11
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-01-01
File Size: 4.3 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (0 ratings, 20 reviews)


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Submitted Jun 3, 2001 by William Post (DG Member):
'This is for the microsoft intellimouse optical.'

IntelliPoint ver 3.2 Software Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0, Win NT 3.51, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, Win 95, Win 3.11
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-08-01
File Size: 4.2 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (12 ratings, 22 reviews)


Submitted Jan 16, 2001 by JP (DG Member):
'Make sure your system meets the following requirements Microsoft IntelliMouse(r) or Microsoft pointing device installed (really!)One of the following operating systems Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows 98 Second Edition Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later Windows 2000, or Windows ME. 13.5 MB ..'

1.1A Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win 98, Win 95
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-08-01
File Size: 4.2 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (25 ratings, 36 reviews)


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Submitted Sep 19, 2000 by B Ellis (DG Member):
'Here is the version 3.2 FULL INSTALL driver for the Microsoft IntelliMouse.Hope this works for you. I have the 1.1A version of the mouse and it works great. Supports Windows 95/98/NT4/2K/Me'

hidusb.sys Driver


Device Type: USB
Supported OS: Win 98, Win 95
File Size: 9.2 KB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (122 ratings, 143 reviews)


Submitted Nov 23, 2000 by sheattle (DG Member):
'Here's the hidusb.sys for the Win98 OS. I needed it for my USB port Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer.' Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win 95
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-05-19
File Size: 61.3 KB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (8 ratings, 10 reviews)


Submitted May 28, 2002 by Brian (DG Member):
'drivers for intellipoint mouse, for all os' email at if it's not working'

Flexotronics Industrial Co / IntelliPoint 3.2 Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0, Win NT 3.51, Win ME, Win 98SE, Win 98, Win 95, Win 3.11
File Version: Version
Release Date: 2000-08-01
File Size: 4.2 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (8 ratings, 24 reviews)


Submitted Jan 6, 2001 by PSRII (DG Member):
'This driver works in place of the trekker wheel mouse 2.0A - It's the Microsoft trekker wheel mouse driver, and like I said, I installed it and it works fine.'

Trackball Explorer Driver


Source: Manufacturer Website (Official Download)
Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win Vista, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server
File Version: Version 6.1
File Size: 6.8 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (3 ratings, 3 reviews)


Submitted Jan 5, 2007 by Manivannan (DG Staff Member):
'Language: English - Trackball Explorer - TrackBall Driver File'

Logitech Mouse Device (HID-Compliant) Driver


Device Type: Input Devices (mouse, etc.)
Supported OS: Win Vista, Win Vista x64, Win 2003 Server, Win XP Home, Win XP Pro, Win 2000 Workstation, Win 2000 Server, Win NT 4.0
File Version: Version 4.40.53
Release Date: 2007-11-29
File Size: 1.5 MB
File Name:

Overall Rating: (7 ratings, 7 reviews)


Submitted May 18, 2008 by Rudz (DG Member):
'This is the Mouse Driver ONLY! from SetPoint v4.40. - Works with the following mouse devices: - - All Logitech HID-compliant Optical Mouses/Touchpads/Trackballs - - Logitech MX900 Bluetooth Optical Mouse - - Logitech Bluetooth Travel Mouse - - Logitech MX1000 Bluetooth Laser Mouse - - Dell HID-compliant ..'
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